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- Soma cube
- Snake cube
- Burr Puzzle
- Star Puzzle
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There are 5 puzzles in one tricky box:
- Soma cube
- Snake cube
- Star puzzle
- Crazy X
- Diamond cube
A nice box that contains 6 puzzles:
- Snake cube
- Burr Puzzle
- Star Puzzle
- Ball in fortress
- Square Cube
- Crystal puzzle
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The Tangram is a dissection puzzle consisting of seven flat shapes, called tans, which are put together to form shapes.
The objective of the puzzle is to form a specific shape (given only an outline Select one card out of 42 and build the shape, using all parts of the tangram.
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The Soma Cube was invented during a lecture on quantum mechanics. This puzzle brings the fun and challenge of tangrams into the 3rd dimension.
Each Soma Cube is made of seven pieces which must be assembled into a 3×3×3 cube. The pieces can also be used to make a variety of other 3D shapes.
It includes Soma Cube and set of cards. The cards represent 4 levels of challenges.Sold Out
Totika Kohatu is a traditional Maori competition played by stacking stones as high as possible on beaches, near rivers or other places with rocks. Totika Kohatu is a tabletop wood rock stacking game that will determine, once and for all, who has the steadiest hand and nerves of steel. Knock the stack over on your turn and lose that round of play.
Four card decks, each with over 150 questions, including Self Esteem, Life Skills and Anger for ages 8 and up plus the Early Childhood Social Emotional deck for ages 4-7. The drawstring game bag holds all four decks, the 16 Kohatu stones plus a game dice. Choking hazard not appropriate for under age 3.
Wine Puzzle. Hand-crafted wooden brain teaser.
Hilarious or cruel (depending on whether you’re the giver or receiver of this gift), this party game rewards you with one last great bottle of wine, provided you can remove the lock in 4 moves.
Can you unlock the last bottle without cutting the rope? Or will you break the bottle?
It is also compatible with whiskey, vodka, and other similarly dimensioned bottles of alcohol (or non-alcohol).
* Wine bottle not included.
** Please contact us if you interested to engrave your logo on it.