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Cats - Enigma - Game Rank 6
To solve this puzzle separate the three non-identical pieces.
Cast Hourglass is Rank 6.
The Brainteasers Hourglass puzzle is made by combining two pieces each of two similar, but slightly different shapes. They are carefully calculated, with tricky movement added. It is impossible to unravel with one linear movement. Designed by Korean puzzle creator JinHoo Ahn.
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Cast Infinity is Rank 6.
This puzzle is called Infinity not only for its appearance, but also because its movement continues endlessly until the pieces are taken apart. Even though it looks simple, solving this puzzle will entertain you for hours. Brainteasers cast metal brain teasers have 6 levels of difficulty, and each puzzle is Mensa-rated. Level 6 puzzles are considered very difficult by most puzzlers. By Finnish designer Vesa Timonen.
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Cast Rank 6
Simply separate the two pieces.
Tip: the inscription on the cast remind you of something?
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Game Rank 6 - Nutcase
Four pieces with a fifth piece locked inside. Unscrew the bolts to separate the puzzle and free the locked nut.
Cast Quartet - Game Rank 6
Hanayama has done it again, with the cast metal Quartet Puzzle. Inventor Mine Uyematsu has designed this brainteaser puzzle with a bond that's truly difficult to disentangle. Consider how such a bond is formed, and you'll discover the secret to breaking it. There are two approaches to this puzzle - are you clever enough to find them both? And once you've disassembled the interlocking rings, can you reassemble the puzzle? This amazing brainteaser puzzle is just one of the many intriguing puzzles from Hanayama. Rated Level 6, considered very difficult by most puzzlers. BePuzzled is more than just jigsaw puzzles. It's a puzzle-plus. Not only do we develop interesting jigsaws, but we also apply our University Games game development expertise, using it to build special added value into our products. You'll find a wide range of entertaining puzzles for children and adults.
Cast Rotor is Rank 6.
Cast Square - Game Rank 6
This puzzle can be assembled into three different color combinations. Beware this puzzle is complicated by internal mechanics.
Challenge your problem-solving skills with ''Square,'' a beautiful cast metal puzzle from Hanayama of Japan. Graceful shapes are locked together to make up this square puzzle. It's a beautifully simple shape that takes an extraordinary amount of finesse and skill to solve. Once you've taken the puzzle apart, can you meet the second challenge and put it together again? Makes a great gift or party game - just make sure you order one for yourself.
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Cast Trinity is Rank 6.
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Cast Puzzle Level 4
This uniquely shaped puzzle seems to exactly match the shape of a UFO! Even as you attempt to take out the spherical piece in the center, it spins freely, so grasping the solution is difficult. Created by Finnish puzzle designer Vesa Timonen.
Hanayama is known worldwide for challenging puzzles and quality manufacturing. Can you take the pieces apart, then put them back together again? Level 4 puzzles are considered challenging by most puzzlers.
In this special box you can find 27 wooden rods.
All of them have the same size, but are sliced differently inside.
To create a burr puzzle (interlock puzzle that has 2 rods on each side), you will need any 5 different rods + the 0 (zero) rod- which is the only fully squared rod.
This game is based on Pentominoes series (5 squares), designed in a 3D format to create 17 different shapes any 16 of which can be used to solve the puzzle.
Chose one piece from the 17 pieces available. Place the chosen piece in the slot meant for a single piece. Try to assemble a 2 deep rectangle (size 8x5x2) from the other remaining 16 pieces. Note: In addition to the 17 different combinations, each option contains more than one solution (up to dozens for each option.)