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The game includes a rectangle wooden box and 4 wooden dices. Arrange the cubes so you see the sum reaches 10 on all four sides. Let's explore!
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- Soma cube
- Snake cube
- Burr Puzzle
- Star Puzzle
The puzzle contains 4 pieces : 2 triangles and 2 trapezoids.
One frame is larger than the other. The larger frame is used to store the pieces.
Turn it over
Notice that this side is smaller and the frame is thicker.
Now, try to fit the 4 pieces in the frame.
* Do not use strength.
If you solve it correctly, the pieces will slide in to place smoothly.
Good Luck
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There are 5 puzzles in one tricky box:
- Soma cube
- Snake cube
- Star puzzle
- Crazy X
- Diamond cube
A nice box that contains 6 puzzles:
- Snake cube
- Burr Puzzle
- Star Puzzle
- Ball in fortress
- Square Cube
- Crystal puzzle
A classic game that has been teasing puzzlers for generations, can you eliminate the redundant sides?
Three puzzles in one:
1. Take the cubes out from the case, mix them up, and then rearrange them (in the case) so there are four different colors on each side.
2. Arrange the cubes out from the case in a 2X2 square, so there are four different colors on the top, the same four different colors on the bottom and two different colors on each side.
3. Arrange the cubes out from the case in a 2X2 square, so there are four different colors on the top, the same four different colors on the bottom and two of the same color on each side.
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Think from the outside and build inwards to solve this puzzle.
20 balls made up of 6 straight parts. Two pieces are made from four balls, four pieces are made from three balls. Try to assemble all the pieces to a triangle base pyramid.
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A great gift that makes an elegant decoration for any home or office.
This gorgeous pyramid is comprised of fourteen pieces. Once taken apart- can you build it again?
A great gift that makes an elegant decoration for any home or office.
This gorgeous pyramid is comprised of five pieces. Once taken apart- can you build it again?
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The Soma Cube was invented during a lecture on quantum mechanics. This puzzle brings the fun and challenge of tangrams into the 3rd dimension.
Each Soma Cube is made of seven pieces which must be assembled into a 3×3×3 cube. The pieces can also be used to make a variety of other 3D shapes.
It includes Soma Cube and set of cards. The cards represent 4 levels of challenges.Sold Out
This is a good starting point for 3d puzzles, a fun puzzle that leaves you with a nice decoration for any desk or mantle. It is important to pay attention to how the star comes apart in order to put it back together again.
This puzzle contains 6 identical pieces. Try to assemble the pieces to a 3D star shape.
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This is a good starting point for 3d puzzles, a fun puzzle that leaves you with a nice decoration for any desk or mantle. It is important to pay attention to how the star comes apart in order to put it back together again.
This puzzle contains 6 identical pieces. Try to assemble the pieces to a 3D star shape.
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