This game is based on Pentominoes series (5 squares), designed in a 3D format to create 17 different shapes any 16 of which can be used to solve the puzzle.
Chose one piece from the 17 pieces available. Place the chosen piece in the slot meant for a single piece. Try to assemble a 2 deep rectangle (size 8x5x2) from the other remaining 16 pieces. Note: In addition to the 17 different combinations, each option contains more than one solution (up to dozens for each option.)
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In this special box you can find 27 wooden rods.
All of them have the same size, but are sliced differently inside.
To create a burr puzzle (interlock puzzle that has 2 rods on each side), you will need any 5 different rods + the 0 (zero) rod- which is the only fully squared rod.